10 Chapters Everyone Wants To Be In

Kayla Greek Life

No matter what your ranking is, or how many girls are in your sorority, every chapter has great girls involved. That being said, every year on every campus one can find a few sororities that every girl wants to join. These are the girls with the highest GPAs, strongest sisterhoods, highest fundraising goals, and overall best chapters around. These are the chapters with girls who will set the standards for Greek life at their universities. Here's a list of 10 of these chapters…... Read more


Studies stagger between conclusions on what Greek Life will look like in the future. Some even question whether there will be a future for the fun and traditional societies. The perception of students participating in Greek Life is becoming increasingly negative. If the leadership of Greek Life wants to continue the tradition, they must act soon.... Read more


Greeks Give Back: Out Of The Darkness Walks

Kaleigh Greek Life

Suicide, not alcohol, is the second leading cause of death among college students. According to the Active Minds organization, 1,100 college US students take their own lives every year. Over the next couple months campuses nationwide will be calling on students to participate in an event that will shed light on this alarming reality. Greeks, as some of the most effective philanthropic organizations on campuses, will... Read more


7 Resources To Help You Nail Your Papers

Deborah Tragasz Greek Life

Ah, the sun is shining, the flowers are blooming, the birds are singing…and you are not getting to enjoy any of it because you have papers to write. So yeah, papers are no fun. And let’s be real-you’re probably going to put it off until the last minute. But fear not-we’ve put together some useful resources that may just make cranking out those papers at least slightly less painful.... Read more


How To Deal With Difficult Roommates

Mary Greek Life

One of the most exciting parts of starting college is getting your own dorm or apartment for the first time. For most of us, that includes having roommates. Sharing a space with a roommate can prove challenging. Getting to know a new person and adjust to living with them can be difficult. Sometimes, two people are just not meant to get along. So what should you do if you aren’t getting along with the person you are sentenced to live with for the rest of the year? Here are some tips.... Read more


If you go to the U of I, you’ve probably heard of a little thing called Unofficial. It’s that one weekend of the year that students that come from all around to party all day and night together. It started back when students back in 1995 realized that St. Patrick’s Day fell during Spring Break and decided to have it a little bit earlier.... Read more


A Quintessential Sorority For Every State Part 2

Nicole Greek Life

We are highlighting one quintessential sorority chapter or each state in our nation. We’ve already selected the chapters for the first 25 states. Here are numbers 26-50. These sororities are being recognized for their philanthropy work both on and off campus. Each chapter is a proud representation of their respective states.... Read more


There are a lot of less-than-flattering stereotypes that has been assigned to sorority girls. I’ve heard it all, from ditzy to blonde to rich to easy, etc. Since I am actually part of a sorority, I can happily put these rumors to rest and let you all know that these stereotypes are the farthest thing from the truth. Here are some of my personal favorite stereotypes that I have heard, and what I know a sorority girl hates hearing.... Read more