10 Thoughts You Have While Summer Job Hunting

Deborah Tragasz Greek Life

Every college student has been there. The semester is winding down, and on top of your finals, papers, projects, and one thousand other priorities, that eternal question pops up again and again….. “What are you doing this summer?” As much as we’d like to be hitting up the beach or binge-watching some Netflix, adulting calls and it’s time to tackle the summer job and/or internship hunt.It’s not a process for the faint of heart, here’s our version of what young, undergraduate job-hunters go through year after year.... Read more


Philanthropy Event Aims To Break World Record

Mary Greek Life

Here's a fresh idea for the next time your chapter wants to gain some publicity for a philantrophy event...pick a world record and try to break it. The Brothers of Zeta Phi Rho the University of Southern California attempted to break the word record for the most number of sandwiches made in one hour. Though it may seem like this is all fun and games, the fraternity made sure it was for a good cause: to fight homelessness.... Read more


Are you a second semester senior? Are you starting to wonder how you will maintain your relationships from your time in Greek life after you’ve received your diploma? As many of us fear, a lot of us will lose touch with one another as we move to different corners of the country. There will be some brothers/sisters who will be easy for you to keep in touch with. For those friendships you fear will go stale after graduation, consider these 5 ways to keep in touch.... Read more


Money-Saving Tips For College Students

Holly Greek Life

Is your college life bleeding you financially dry? You are not alone. Are you a student who is trying to save some cash for your career or future? Consider these thrifty suggestions to tighten your wallet.... Read more


7 Tips To Control Stress in College

Nicole Greek Life

Today, ‘college’ and ‘stress’ seem to be two synonymous words. The workloads have increased, the competition is more intense, and the pressure to succeed is a constant weight on the already burdened college student’s shoulders. We are taught that success is often the result of receiving a solid education. That a good grade point average will lead to a bright future. We are so fixated on getting an A on our Statistics final exam, landing an internship... Read more


Philanthropic Event of the Month - UGA 5KD

Mary Greek Life

The sisters of the Sigma Phi chapter of Kappa Delta out of the University of Georgia held their fourth annual 5KD to benefit Prevent Child Abuse America (PCAA). This year’s theme was Glow Run.  The 5K run hosted 484 participants, who all ran at night with glow sticks to raise money for their philanthropy. The number of participants dropped from the previous years, but the sorority managed to raise $44,500 during their event. That’s approximately $20,000 more than the year prior.... Read more


Undecided? Choosing A Major

Mary Greek Life

Choosing what to study in college can be a stressful decisions. Don’t panic! Many of students are in the same situation. There may be pressure on you from your parents, professors and academic advisors to choose but don’t let that rush you into a decision.  Ultimately, the decision is yours and you should make sure you are doing what is best for you. The following are some tips to help you choose the major that is right for you.... Read more


Creative Philanthropy Event Ideas

Holly Greek Life

Throughout the years, various Sororities and Fraternities have funded, created, and took part in philanthropy events, or events that will promote the well-fare of others through funding and other types of donations. More and more sororities and fraternities are beginning to come up with fun and interesting ideas to raise funds and awareness for these charities.... Read more