Are you the perpetually single one out of your college friends? Are your the one who has always been taken and wonder what it's like for your single friends? Here's what it's like......
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Want to be the founder of the next Facebook? College is a fantastic time in one’s life to start exploring entrepreneurial opportunities. Here are 8 tips for aspiring college entrepreneurs....
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Sororities are great at many things: hosting campus wide events, coming up with new and interesting t shirt ideas, and of course blowing glitter at cameras. However, the one thing that sororities do best is expand. They do this through recruitment, snapping up eager new freshman, promising and often delivering an amazing and friend-filled college experience. However, sororities also expand in other, more daring ways—one of which is colonizing new chapters. Here are 7 new chapters of 2016 who are poised to do great things....
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Getting ready to go to college is one of the most exciting events of a person’s young adult life. It’s a time for freedom, finding yourself, and new opportunities. Those dorm rooms don’t get any bigger, but there are some essential items that a new student needs to bring!...
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With the new school year quickly approaching, many incoming college students are starting to think about Greek Life for a multitude of reasons. Potential new members across the country will rush sororities as soon as this coming August. If philanthropy is a big part of why you’re looking to pledge, check out these sorority chapters and the events they hold to benefit the charities of their choosing before rushing to “rush.”...
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With the 2016 Rio Olympics about to start soon, we thought you’d enjoy a ranking of the sororities with the most all-time Olympians. These are strong women who make their sisters proud and continue to inspire. Included in the rankings are the sororities of the National Panhellenic Conference and the Divine 9....
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We all know that as college students we are generally broke; I say generally because unless your parents love you more than mine love me, you get a $50 gas card from them at Christmas, and that’s it. So what do we do? We pick up an extra shift at work a few times a week, we go to class, and we get crafty with how we spend our money. For those of you who are new to the ‘broke college student life’, let me give you a few pointers....
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There’s no doubt that college is infinitely different than high school. It’s also a fact that you can’t truly realize or appreciate these differences until you’re living the life of a true scholar. Some people notice after their first week, and for others it’s more like the third semester. Either way, if you’ve been to school, there’s a good chance you’ll know what I’m talking about. I’ve taken the time and pooled together my top five experiences that seem to scream “college!” to a significant degree....
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