Total U.S. Student Debt is $1.4 trillion. Every second $2,858 of student loan debt is accrued. As of 2017, the average student debt amount is $37,172. These are the most up-to-date stats reported by Holey Moley! Someone should do something about this. Well, this week President Trump proposed what he envisions are some solutions. He is asking Congress to approve $9.2 billion in spending cuts to education for grades K-12 and higher education. These cuts will affect those who are current taking out student loans. If you are one of these students, here are some of the proposed changes that you should know.... Read more


10 Summer Internship Tips

Brandi Greek Life

If you were lucky enough to land a summer internship, then congratulations. This will likely be your first glimpse of your future adult life and get something legitimate on your resume other than ice cream scooper. If you are extra lucky enough to land an opportunity in a field that you are actually considering post-graduation, then you really do not want to blow it. Here are some pro-tips from people who have crushed their summer internships.... Read more


5 Quick Dorm-Friendly Breakfast Ideas

Nicole Bradley-Bernard Greek Life

College life is hard. Between the late-night study sessions, trying to make the most of the social aspects of college, and trying to make it to class on time; making time for a well-balanced breakfast everyday can seem daunting (if not, nearly impossible at times). But, let me reassure you that it is not impossible, it can actually be quite simple. Let me take away a little bit of the stress and give you some quick, easy, and dorm-friendly breakfast ideas:... Read more


Ultimate Guide Of Popular Pets To Have In College

Blythe Wilson Greek Life

For the animal lover, going away to college and leaving our furry family members behind can be hard. Often times, the question is asked “Can my sorority or fraternity house have a house pet?” Caring for any animal needs to be taken on as a serious responsibility. Several types of pets have their pros and cons. Here are some of the most popular house pets, along with some pros and cons to consider for each.... Read more


Post-Finals Checklist

Frank Academics

You made it! Finals are finally over. For the last several weeks you have locked yourself up and put all your focus and energy toward crushing your final exams. You probably have not had the time to consider what your next moves are before you leave campus for the summer. We have you covered. Here’s a check list of the next steps you should take before you pack it up and get going.... Read more


There are very few events more exciting in the history of a specific sorority chapter than when they break ground on a new house. These buildings will serve as the home-away-from home for generations of sisters to come and the current sisters will be the first ones to break it in. Here are five very exciting construction projects currently underway across the country.... Read more


Signs You Are Going Through Pet Withdrawals

Deborah Tragasz Greek Life

Let’s face it, one of the hardest parts about going away to school is saying goodbye to your pets. While some universities have started opening up pet friendly dorms and housing, the majority have yet to get with the program. Don’t worry, we completely understand where you’re at.... Read more


Best Greek Philanthropy Events - April 2017

Mary Greek Life

April 2017 was a great month for philanthropy efforts spearheaded by greeks on campuses across the country. This is specifically true for greeks along the East Coast. With the nicest weather of the year, April was a great month to start to take the events outdoors. One particular sorority really stepped it up this month for a cause it holds dear.... Read more