Remember as a kid hand-me-down from an older sibling were the worst? Well, now that you are in college hand-me-downs don’t seem that bad. By now we have also learned just who had the best hand-me-downs—parents. It’s Mom and Dad…they won’t care if you walk out of the house this August or September with some of these stuff. Even if they don’t exactly know at that time that you are taking it. Here are some of the top items your parents have that you should be taking back with you for the start of fall semester.... Read more


Five Reasons Why Sorority House Moms Rock

Blythe Wilson Greek Life

House moms rock. Every sorority girl knows that a house does not function without everyone’s favorite second mother. I wanted to write an article that highlights reason why sorority girls love their house moms as well as spotlight a few of the best moms in the country.... Read more


10 Reasons Why Parents Are Better Roommates

Susie Greek Life

Home for the summer? Great news! When compared to your college roommates, your parents make great roommates. You might not realize it until you go away to college and experience what it is like to live with someone other than Mom and Dad, but living at home for the summer has its perks. Here are 10 reasons why parents make better roommates than your college ones.... Read more


10 Signs It Is Time To Change Your Major

Blythe Wilson Academics

Feeling like you’re not on the right path with your chosen major? Guess what? You are not alone. Changing majors is a common occurrence. Just because it happens often, although, does not mean that it is an easy decision. Here are 10 signs that it might be time to make a change.... Read more


7 Tips For Getting A Job After College

John D’Amico Greek Life

Getting a job after college is not an easy task. I hear stories all the time from people around my age who can’t for the life of them seem to get the job they want for a long time after graduating. It can take years for people to get the right job. But that’s the thing, a lot of people go through this sort of experience. So it’s not really anything to be ashamed of. It’s almost gotten to the point where nobody should really expect you to get a full-time job in your field right out of school.... Read more


For many students, college is the time when they become independent. They move out of their mom and dad’s house and into a dorm, then out of the dorm and into an apartment. Looking for a first apartment can seem intimidating at first, especially if you do not know what you are looking for. Here is a list of things to keep an eye out for when beginning the search for your first apartment.... Read more


For those of you following along, we have selected the top greek philanthropy events for every month of the 2016-2017 school year starting with September. With May predominately being a slow much due to finals, we have decided to compare the events held from September thru April and make a decision on the top philanthropy events for the 2016-2017 school year. These events raised tons of money and awareness while also demonstrating how greeklife has an overwhelming positive presence on campuses and in the local communities. Here are the top events of the year.... Read more


​Top Ten College Towns

Blythe Wilson Greek Life

Some US cities are lucky enough to have a major university within its borders. These schools change the entire dynamic of the town. There are certain characteristics about a college town that most other cities cannot match up to. Familiar, charming, and historical are just some of the words that can be used to describe the college towns that made our top ten list.... Read more